Current Status (February 2025):
Under Construction!
Follow our progress! Sign up for project email updates
here by selecting RAPID A-Line under Expansion Projects.
Through ongoing roadwork improvements, the team has found existing utilities are too shallow to meet City of Atlanta standards on the route section of Hank Aaron Drive between Ormond Street and Ridge Avenue. To make these corrections, the team will work with utility agencies block by block in this area to lower infrastructure to the correct depth.
The team is coordinating with utility agencies and the City of Atlanta to finalize the details of this work, but here’s what we do know now:
- The work is estimated to be completed in phases over several months and is anticipated to begin early as first quarter of 2025.
- All vehicular traffic on affected blocks will be rerouted from Hank Aaron and active construction areas to parallel roads. Once traffic shifts are finalized, bus stops will be shifted as well.
- There will be no on-street parking allowed.
- Homeowners and businesses in this area will maintain access to their properties at all times (Including mail and emergency medical services).
- 72-hour notice will be given to properties that may experience periodic, off-peak hour disruptions to water service.
Stay tuned for more information on this upcoming construction phase via the project website, newsletter, MARTA social channels, and community meetings.
Progress Update
Rapid Summerhill will now officially be known as MARTA Rapid A-Line. All future Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) projects including the A-Line will be shown on MARTA system maps in purple. Please excuse our ‘dust’ as we work to upgrade the naming and branding across all project materials.
Construction Impacts
Construction will impact the travel routes in several ways. Please see information below on what you can expect during construction working hours from 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM:
Construction on the MARTA Rapid A-Line will have upcoming lane closures downtown that span along MLK Drive and Mitchell Street between Forsyth Street and Capitol Avenue. Some lane closures won’t begin until the end of this year’s legislative session. Please review the information linked below under the ‘Vehicular Impacts’ section of this website for more details. Please plan accordingly as these lane closures will impact travel times, sidewalks, cycle tracks and parking lanes.
Vehicular Impacts:
- Periodic lane closures
- New traffic patterns
- Traffic delays
- Asphalt paving
- Relocation of Utilities
- Non-metered on-street parking spots will be closed in the following locations:
- Hank Aaron Drive between Memorial Drive and Ormond Street
- Mitchell Street between Peachtree Street and Pryor Street
- MLK Jr Drive between Washington Street and Forsyth Street
- Vehicles out of compliance will be towed at the owner’s expense
Click below for more information on traffic shifts and lane closures along the route:
Pedestrian Impacts:
- Periodic sidewalk closures for reconstruction
- ADA ramp improvements
Low impact construction may continue after scheduled hours when traffic is at its lowest, but these jobs will comply with local noise ordinances. The construction crew may also work during weekends to maintain the project schedule during periods of inclement weather. Please note all posted signage for detailed parking and lane restriction instructions when traveling the corridor.
Bus Stop Impacts:
Several existing bus stops along the corridor will be intermittently impacted by construction. Please refer to the rider alert above, which is also posted at bus stops, for information about service to bus stops during construction.
For assistance with trip planning, please visit MARTA’s
Plan a Trip web page, download the MARTA On the Go app, or contact MARTA Customer Service at (404)848-5000. For information about MARTA’s ADA complementary paratransit service, visit the
MARTA Mobility webpage or call (404) 848-4037.
Project Overview
Summerhill Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) – now known as MARTA RAPID A-Line, will provide a 5-mile roundtrip route that connects Downtown Atlanta to the Capitol Gateway, Summerhill, Peoplestown, and the Atlanta BeltLine with fast, frequent premium transit service. Connections to
MARTA’s heavy rail system will be provided at Five Points, Georgia State, and Garnett stations.
The project is funded through a Federal TIGER Grant and the More MARTA program with the City of Atlanta. Planning and design work took place between Spring 2019 and Summer 2022. Following preliminary utility work that started in 2022, construction kicked off with an official groundbreaking in June 2023. Construction is
scheduled to be completed in 2025 with revenue service beginning in late 2025.
Project timeline:
Project Map:
MARTA RAPID A-Line Features:
- 14 new stations with level boarding, real-time arrival information, and off-board fare collection so you can pay before you board.
- Brand-new 60’ articulated electric buses
- Trips every 10 to 12 minutes during peak hours
- Total travel time from Five Points south to Carver will be 12 to 15 minutes
- 85% dedicated bus lanes with transit signal priority to bypass traffic
Rendering of MARTA RAPID A-Line stations
SEE all the places MARTA is going with expansion plans in Atlanta, Clayton, DeKalb, and Fulton counties including faster service, improved transit hubs, and expanded service.
Community engagement on the planning and design for this project has been taking place since 2019. Please see the materials below for a variety of presentations and other project information.
Project Information:
Previous public meetings:
March 2022 Meeting Presentation
October 2021 Meeting Presentation
October 2021 Meeting Video
November 2020 Virtual Meeting Presentation
July 2020 Virtual Meeting Presentation
October 2019 Meeting Presentation
*This material is based upon work supported by the USDOT under FTA FY 2017 TIGER Grant No. GA 2020-022-00. Any opinion, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the USDOT.
Previously Released Newsletters:
Previously Released Construction Alerts:
For general project questions, contact our RAPID Response Team:
Houston Harris & Brett Conn
Follow our progress! Sign up for project email updates
here by selecting Rapid Summerhill under Expansion Projects.